From: R239,00 Including VAT
*Only R29 per Month Subscription*
RESQTAP – is a vital digital addition to our ICE-TAGS Brand.
This oval shaped epoxy coated Product measures 55mm x 30 mm at the widest points in length respectively. It comes with a split ring for easy attachment to your house keys, any form of bag, strap or even a chain around your neck.
What is a “RESQTAP” Product?
- RESQTAP is an Electronic Device which retrieves all (I.C.E) In Case of Emergency contact and Medical information details from an Active and Encrypted Database by means of a pre-installed Link on the RESQTAP Tag, Slider or Band.
- During an Emergency, the First Responder and/or Medical Personnel may simply Tap the RESQTAP Product with their Smart Phone (IOS/Apple and Android Compatible, with NFC enabled) to call up an Internet Link from the RESQTAP Product.
- Once the Internet Link has been clicked on it connects to the User’s particular Profile on our Secure Database and displays all the (I.C.E) In Case of Emergency Information that the User may have loaded.
- Unlimited Editing of the Online Profile.
- Unlimited Tapping / Scanning / Access of the RESQTAP Tag
- No Battery and no Maintenance required.
- Sample of a RESQTAP Product displaying Medical Information: Click Here
How to Subscribe after purchasing any RESQTAP Product:
- An email will be sent to you with a step by step guide on how to Subscribe
- Or you may visit the RESQTAP SUBSCRIPTION Page by following this link: RESQTAP SUBSCRIPTION
For more info please Click on What is RESQTAP?
“Be Prepared, Save a Life!”™
Silvia Van Wyk –
It does exactly as advertised. The ice-tags App works on my Apple phone and on my Husbands Samsung, I think he had to download it from his phone store. Just search for ice-tags We even have our own private chat channel on the mobile app. Awesome!
Chulekazi –
I’d like to add it to cart